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The 2228 is the newest Oxbo merger, building on Oxbo’s commitment to forage quality for over 20 years. The twin merger was designed to open the benefits of merging up to new markets, including dry hay and small grains. All Oxbo mergers feature robust design and reliable components to deliver long field life.
Unstoppable PowerMerge Technology
For 20 years, Oxbo has made a commitment to designing mergers that deliver the highest quality forage. The new PowerMerge technology on the 2228 delivers increased merging speed in heavy crops while building dense, smooth windrows across crop types.
PowerMerge combines Oxbo’s newest cam technology with positive belt drive motors and the ideal belt width and angle to push crop to the back of the belt. The result: tight crop flow and maximum leaf retention. All without the use of belt tensioners.
The Oxbo 2228 was designed to deliver better windrows and better feed quality.
Easy to operate, the Oxbo 2228 features a straightforward switch box that is simple to use and easy to understand.
Header height adjustment is also effortless. Oxbo mergers use a trouble-free chain system designed to graze the stubble during merging and ensure the head is positioned at the right height.
The Oxbo 2228 is compatible with swathers and triple mowers, meaning that more forage operations can benefit from a merger than ever before.
Across crop types—small grains, alfalfa, grass or dry hay—for bailing or chopping, the 2228 delivers all the proven benefits of merging: lower ash content and higher feed quality.
The Oxbo 2228 twin merger features a steerable axle making it easy to get into field corners and navigate challenging field conditions, assuring no valuable crop is left behind.
The sealed control unit is moisture and weather resistant.
Oxbo consistently engineers its mergers for dependable functioning, year in, year out. However, we recognize that our customers also require consistent support. This is why every Oxbo merger comes with the assurance of local parts and service via our dealer network, bolstered by our top-tier factory service.
Together, Oxbo and Oxbo dealers work to provide the kind of service that makes you want to stay and Oxbo customer, for life.
Oxbo has refined the design of its cams to provide superior performance. Our tines are designed to lift crop when they are at their slowest point — this eliminates crop rolling in front of the pick up, retaining more leaves. In addition, our tines release crop at their fastest point, leading to further leaf retention.
The 2228 was designed with straightforward, robust electronics: customers who want to work on their own mergers, can. Belts run without tensioners, reducing maintenance cost. Improved belts seals and long belt life reduce the cost of ownership.
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