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9840 Research Combine | Oxbo

9840 Research Plot Combine

Oxbo proudly worked with researchers from multiple seed companies to develop and introduce the 9840 twin-plot multi-crop combine. Developed through years of testing and collaboration with seed researchers, the 9840 is a ground up plot combine built for seed research teams.

Every detail of the Oxbo 9840 was designed to focus on safety, efficiency, plot-to-plot purity, precise data, high capacity grain storage, rapid clean out, and ease of transport. With these important aspects in mind, the 9840 leverages an industry exclusive process known as SmartStaging Technology providing unparalleled data quality and plot harvesting productivity.

Features & Advantage

  • Sliding Axles for Legal Width Loads. No Permits Required.
  • 200 Bushel Grain Tank with Optional Remote Extensions
  • Standard LED Vehicle Lighting
  • Designed for corn, soy beans, wheat, and sorghum

Key Features

Safety is Paramount Strict safety design standards are followed to make the 9840 the safest machine in the industry to operate.
4-row Dual Folding Chopping Corn Head Flexible and efficient. Available with Steer-by-Stalk and autosteer. Turn the blades on or off depending on field needs.
FleetCommand Telematics The vehicle at your fingertips. Receive updates every 10 minutes to monitor key functions and vehicle health.

Designed for easy transport Unit doesn’t require pilot cars, folds to 10′ for fast, easy transport between fields
SmartStaging technology Allows for higher productivity



9840 Brochure

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