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8040 Blueberry Harvester

The Oxbo 8040 single drop blueberry harvester gently conveys the fruit through a cleaning system to the back of the machine where it is placed into a lug or tote. The open harvester design provides the driver excellent visibility. For softer field conditions, Oxbo offers an optional high-flotation tire to power the machine through the toughest of conditions. The Total Control Joystick puts all major machine functions at your finger tips. The 8040 is available with Dynarotor or Orbirotor picking systems.

Features & Advantage

  • Single drop fruit delivery system
  • Easy-to-operate bluberry harvester
  • Customized to fit a wide variety of field conditions
  • Low catchers are designed to retain fruit

Key Features

Side guard lower belts for high quality blueberries These optional guards reduce fruit rubbing and retain the highest quality blueberries.
Picking system choices Your choice in picking heads, including the industry-leading Orbirotor, allows you to customize the 8040 to your field conditions.
Big Foot tire option for tough ground conditions Large floation tires and positraction help the 8040 perform in wet and muddy conditions.
Fluid bed cleaning system effectively removes debris Adjustable fans create a fluid bed of air to effectively remove leaves and debris.

Oxbo Berry Harvesters

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