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6030 Multi-function Grape Harvester

The new Oxbo 6030 multi-function power unit was designed to pick the highest quality grapes and to perform various vineyard tasks. The 6030 can handle steep, challenging terrain while the high capacity buckets allow the harvester to deliver high productivity in the field. Available with three different grape harvester options, with a three- or four-row sprayer and with a front tool carrier, the 6030 can be customized for a wide range of vineyard operations.

Features & Advantage

  • Independent power unit with harvester and sprayer attachments
  • High performance and stability in challenging ground conditions
  • Easy to use controls with built in diagnostics
  • PremiumSort, PremiumDestem or standard cleaning harvester units available

Key Features

TIGHT TURNING RADIUS Turns in 18-foot headlands
CENTER MOUNTED CAB Increased driver visibility
BUCKET CONVEYANCE Maintains fruit quality, retains juice
INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY FleetCommand, YieldTracker, variable rate application



6030 Brochure

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