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5180 Corn Stalk Detasseler | Oxbo

5180 Detasseler

The Standard. The 5180 seed corn detasseler is the most technologically advanced and innovative detassler on the market. Built around the TS4 toolbar the 5180 chassis was designed for detasseling operations. Transporting is a critical design element. With the rear-folding boom for truck transport and 25 miles per hour transport speed the 5180 wastes no time getting to work. When in the field the Detector Vision system keeps your cutters and pullers in the perfect spot. Oxbo detasseling solutions are the industry leaders in pulling percentage all the while providing the most comfortable cabin with climate control and and air cooled seat for the long days in the field.

Features & Advantage

  • Quick changeover from cutting to pulling. Less than 30 minutes.
  • 12" color touchscreen for quick and precise control over operations.
  • Fuel efficient and powerful 4.5L John Deere PowerTech Tier 4 Engine.
  • Advanced Steer-by-Stalk Technology for ease of operation with less stress.

Key Features

Detector Vision System Dual sensing system that is accurate and outperforms the competition in damp conditions.
4-1, 4-2 Capability Press the screen to adjust from 4-1 to 4-2 from the seat of the cab in seconds.
Fast transport speed 25 miles per hour transport speed minimizes need for trailering.
Large catwalk with easy egress into cab Large catwalks for safe and easy entry and exit.

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