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Multi-Crop Harvester | Oxbo 2580 | Sweet Corn Harvester | Green Bean Harvester


The 2580 represents the pinnacle of Oxbo’s articulating chassis, box-on harvester design. Super duty frame, axle, transmission and articulation components ensure that the 2580 sweet corn harvester and green bean harvester continues to deliver value to your harvesting operations for years to come. Dual stage cleaning with high volume, independently adjustable fans assure the highest quality, clean product is delivered to your processing facility.

Features & Advantage

  • Reliable Power - John Deere 9.0 Liter engines for efficient clean power
  • Two stage, dual fan cleaning unit
  • Mechanical 4 wheel drive with articulating chassis steering
  • Large volume dump box
  • Perfect for harvesting sweet corn and seed corn

Key Features

Mechanical 4 wheel drive with single joystick hydrostatic control The 2580 provides the ultimate performance in traction, maneuverability and mudability.
Two stage, dual fan cleaning unit The dual fans deliver clean, undamaged product.
Large volume, dump at any height product dump box Oxbo’s 2580 dump box simplifies the process and reduces time to transfer product into transport vehicles.
Versatility The Oxbo 2580 is readily configured for sweet corn, seed corn, green beans or other specialty crop operations.



2580 Brochure

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