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As the industry standard for decades, the Commander Harvester is built for high performance and maximum efficiency in large open fields. With unsurpassed reliability and maneuverability, the Commander is equipped with a simplified open center hydraulic system and plenty of hydraulic horsepower in reserve for trouble-free operation and minimal downtime.
Designed to harvest 70 tons of tomatoes per hour, the high capacity machine lowers harvesting costs by providing more production from each machine. With a patented recovery reel and two-stage shaker system built to minimize harvest losses, the shaker frequency is easily controlled for optimal performance in all field conditions.
The Commander’s patented recovery reel and 2-stage shaker system are unequaled at tomato recovery. There is simply no better combination to minimize harvest losses. Shaker frequency is easily controlled for optimal performance for any variety and in all conditions.
Two-way dirt belts, outfitted with 32 channel dirt sorters, are standard equipment. High efficiency, 30” direct driven suction fans remove loose vines and trash through 12” diameter tubes, provide the maximum airflow in the industry.
The operator platform is designed to provide the driver with clear visibility of the harvesting operation. Header controls are mounted on the steering column. Bulk loader, speed control, and other functions are located within easy reach to the right of the driver.
The 225 hp 6068HFC08 Final Tier 4 John Deere engine, in conjunction with 4-wheel hydrostatic drive and 4-wheel steering results in an easy-to-maneuver, reliable machine with plenty of power to spare.
Using the highest quality materials and a professional level of manufacturing ensures the harvester will produce for you now and into the future.
Don't hesitate to contact us below.