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BH100 Green Bean Harvester | Oxbo


Payback your investment on as few as 8 acres if you single-crop.
One operator. One tractor. One BH100. 60 bushels or more of fresh market bean production per hour.
Operate the Pixall BH100 with a 45hp or larger tractor
Priced at $69,500 plus freight. Lease plans are available.

BH100 for Fresh Market Green Beans

The Oxbo Pixall BH100 enables a single operator to harvest up to 60 bushels or more of hand picked quality fresh market green beans, purple hull peas, edamame or similar podded crops per hour. Requiring a tractor of only 45 hp or more, the BH100 gives smaller fresh market operators the capability to deliver the quantities of product their wholesale and direct retail customers demand without the enormous investment and management headaches a large field labor force requires.

Features & Advantage

  • One-Row Unit Capable of Dozens of Cases Per Hour
  • Harvest 18 Inch and wider Row Widths
  • Loading Platform for Bins, Bags, Boxes or other containers.

Key Features

Flexible with Crops Multi-Crop. Can pick Green Beans, Edamame, Butter Beans, Afila Peas, or Southern Peas.
Effective Picking Reel Picking Reel combs the crop onto a belt conveyor
Suction Fan for Clean Crop Spend less time sorting and more time packing.
Available Vibratory Sorting Table and Even Feeder compliments BH100 operations Cleaned, sorted and graded product efficiently delivered to your marketplace

Affordable multi-year lease program

Click here to learn more about Northland Capitals finance program!


Oxbo’s Pixall BH100 gives you control over your bean harvest.  Trusted for decades by independent growers, the Pixall BH100 was built tough and designed to run season after season, eliminating your need to source hand labor for your bean crop.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I harvest with a BH100?

The BH100 is suitable for a number of beans, including green beans, lima beans, butter beans, and southern peas. The BH100 works best with determinate bean varieties that set all the beans at the same time.

Can the BH100 harvest green peas (English peas)?

No. The BH100 was not designed to harvest English peas due to vine wrapping issues

What is the capacity of the BH100? How many bushels per hour can it harvest?

The BH100 can normally harvest up to 60 bushels per hour.

How fast do you run your tractor when harvesting green beans with a BH100?

Normally, you harvest with a BH100 at .5mph.

What should you consider when moving from hand to machine green bean harvest?

To be successful, it is important to have a plan for how you will handle your crop post-harvest. Transporting and sorting your green beans is a critical next step in mechanical harvesting.

I’m concerned about bruising or other damage with mechanical harvesting. What can I do to minimize bruising or breakage?

To minimize bruising shut off the water the day before harvesting, and cool the beans down as soon as possible after harvest. Harvesting in the morning when the beans are rubbery can also help reduce breakage.

Do you offer financing?

Yes! We offer financing for up to 10 years through Northland Capital or DLL. Many customer also use financing from a local bank.

What are the ongoing costs of operation?

The BH100 is a very simple, straightforward harvester that does not require much annual maintenance. Many customers run their BH100 for decades!

Does Oxbo stock BH100s?

Yes, we often have a limited number of BH100s in stock, ready for harvest. Please call your local Oxbo location for information.

Do you have used BH100s?

Almost never. Customers rarely sell or trade their BH100–once a customer buys a BH100, they keep it for decades.



BH100 Brochure

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