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Harvesting fresh market blueberries

Blueberry Resources

Oxbo has created this web page as a single point for all the research and field testing in mechanically harvested blueberries for the fresh market.

With the launch of the Oxbo SoftSurface kit, we are helping our customers to deliver more fresh market quality blueberries. But, every grower should understand that the Oxbo SoftSurface kit is part of a full system of interconnected decisions and activities, each one fine-tuned to deliver the highest quality blueberries.

For information on purchasing an Oxbo berry harvester with the SoftSurface kit or purchasing a retrofit kit, contact Oxbo or your local Oxbo dealer.

Berry Technology

Oxbo integrates advanced technology across all its berry harvesters to enhance efficiency, precision, and ease of operation. This suite of technology allows Oxbo berry harvesters to deliver high-quality results while minimizing labor and operational costs. Customize your harvester with EvenFill, AutoFill, SoftSurface, and FleetCommand to maximize your harvest productivity

Blueberry Content


SCRI Grant Work (2015-2019):

Scale Neutral Harvest Aid System and Sensor Technologies to Improve Harvest Efficiency and Handling of Fresh Market Highbush Blueberries
Project Web Page

Published Articles related to Mechanically Harvested Blueberries for the Fresh Market:

Preparing a Southern Highbush Blueberry Field for Machine Harvesting
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Douglas A. Phillips – University of Florida, 2024

Modified over-the-row machine harvesters to improve northern highbush blueberry fresh fruit quality
LW DeVetter, WQ Yang, F Takeda, S Korthuis, C Li – Agriculture, 2019

Harvest of Southern Highbush Blueberry with a Modified, Over-The-Row Mechanical Harvester: Use of Handheld Shakers and Soft Catch Surfaces
SA Sargent, F Takeda, JG Williamson, AD Berry – Agriculture, 2020

Machine Harvesting Blueberries in the Pacific Northwest
F Takeda, WQ Yang, M Zhang, LW DeVetter, R Beaudry, P Abeli, S Korthuis – Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2019

Modified over-the-Row Machine Harvesters Increase Pack-out and Fruit Quality Compared to Standard Machine Harvesters
LW DeVetter, F Takeda, WQ Yang, S Korthuis – Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2019

Quality of Blueberries Harvested by a Modified Over-the-row Harvester
W Yang, L DeVetter, S Korthuis, F Takeda – HortScience, 2018

Applying new technologies to transform blueberry harvesting
F Takeda, WQ Yang, C Li, A Freivalds, K Sung, R Xu, B Hu, J Williamson, S Sargent – Agronomy, 2017

Presentation & Speeches:

2020 Machine Harvest Workshop for Fresh Market Blueberries Dr. Wei Yang
Mechanized Harvesting for Fresh Market Blueberries DeVetter Presentation
From Bush to Clamshell – How to Machine Harvest Blueberry for Fresh Market DeVetter Presentation


Dr. Fumi Takeda USDA
Dr. Lisa DeVetter Washington State University
Dr. Wei Yang Oregon State University
Dr. Jinru Chen University of Georgia Dr.
Charlie Li University of Georgia

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