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Berry Harvesters & Technology

Berry Harvesters

Oxbo berry harvesters deliver the fresh market quality you need with the capacity and performance you expect, because every berry matters. Oxbo berry harvesters are compatible with blueberries, raspberries, marionberries and a number of other berry varieties.

Berry Harvesting Technology

Oxbo integrates advanced technology across all its berry harvesters to enhance efficiency, precision, and ease of operation. This suite of technology allows Oxbo berry harvesters to deliver high-quality results while minimizing labor and operational costs. Customize your harvester with EvenFill, AutoFill, SoftSurface, and FleetCommand to maximize your harvest productivity

Harvesting Fresh Market Blueberries

Oxbo launched the SoftSurface kit to help customers deliver more fresh market quality blueberries by machine. This web page was created as a single reference page for all the research, field testing, tips and tricks as the industry has worked to improve mechanically harvested blueberries for the fresh market.

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